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Stabilní montáž GNEQ-6R

Na pozorování a astrofoto doporučujeme: stabilní montáž
Sky-Watcher GNEQ-6 R PRO SynScan

Stabilní montáž GNEQ-6 GoTo

Na pozorování a astrofoto doporučujeme: stabilní montáž
Nové provedení 
Sky-Watcher NEQ-6 PRO SynScan

Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)

Výroba zrcadel pro Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
největšího dalekohledu na světě 24 m
Projekt GMT

Paralaktika pro Dobson

Tip na platformu montáže pro Dobson
My Project equatorial platform for dobson telescope

Nejnovější produkty

Sbig OAG-8300 mimoosový hledáček

Astronomie/Výrobci » SBIG » příslušenství SBIG
Astronomie/Výrobky » CCD » CCD - Sbig
Astronomie/Výrobky » Příslušenství » Off-Axis Guider

Cena s DPH:25250.00 CZK
Cena bez DPH:20867.77 CZK
Záruka:24 měs.
Dostupnost:1-2 týdny

Sbig OAG-8300 mimoosový hledáček

The innovative OAG-8300 turns any STF-8300 into a self-guiding camera system. The OAG-8300 is designed to work with either the 5-position or 8-position filter wheel. Color cameras, or mono cameras without a filter can also use the OAG-8300 with a spacer and the OAG-8300 is backward compatible with all ST-8300 models. What is unique about the OAG-8300 is the 7-element internal optical design. The OAG contains relay optics that move the guide camera to the side of the imaging camera, and at the same time, a 0.7X reducer effectively doubles the field of view of the guider. This design allows for a low profile between the camera and the telescope, reducing backfocus requirements, and at the same time, gives a wide field of view that offers more guide stars for the guide camera.

Note: If you are adding the OAG-8300 to an STF-8300 color camera without a filter wheel, you must also use the Filter Wheel Spacer accessory shown below. If you are adding the OAG-8300 to an STF-8300 mono camera using a filter wheel, the spacer in not needed.

Poznámka: cena platí při dovozu s CCD kamerou.