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Stabilní montáž GNEQ-6R

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Sky-Watcher GNEQ-6 R PRO SynScan

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Na pozorování a astrofoto doporučujeme: stabilní montáž
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Sky-Watcher NEQ-6 PRO SynScan

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Sbig FW8S-STT filtrový karusel

Astronomie/Výrobci » SBIG » filtrové karusely
Astronomie/Výrobky » CCD » CCD - Sbig

Cena s DPH:37960.00 CZK
Cena bez DPH:31371.90 CZK
Záruka:24 měs.
Dostupnost:1-2 týdny

Sbig FW8S-STT filtrový karusel 8 poziční standardní s opakovaním filtrového umístění lepší než 1 pixel. Nemá zabudovaný samo naváděcí systém. Nově navržený karusel s 8 pozicemi umožňuje použít 36 mm filtry nebo pomocí adaptéru také 1 1/4"  filtry. Celé sady filtrů 36mm LRGB a úzkopásmové jsou dostupné od Astrodon, Baader Planetarium a Astronomik bez vinětace pro každou světelnost.  Umožňuje použít adaptéry pro Nikon a Canon objektivy.


A new filter wheel design for the STT series sets it apart from other designs. The carousel holds eight 36mm filters and inserts are available for 1.25" filters. Full sets of 36mm LRGB and Narrowband filters by Astrodon, Baader Planetarium and Astronomik are available for unvignetted imaging at any f/ratio.

The unique feature of the STT filter wheel is a positive centering mechanism that precisely re-positions and firmly holds filters in exactly the same position over the CCD every time, regardless of a loss of power or intervening movement of the filter wheel.

In our tests of the new design, using an STT-8300, the re-positioning of the filters was accurate to better than 5.4 microns after several complete rotations of the filter carousel. This degree of precision means that flat fields taken after the filter has moved and returned are accurate to a single pixel. An example of the improvement in flat fields with this kind of precision is demonstrated in the comparison images below.

The image at left, above, is a large opaque spot on a filter in STT filter wheel. The filter carousel was rotated several times before the filter was moved back into the optical path and a flat field was taken. The image at right shows the resulting flat field image.

Poznámka: cena platí při dovozu s CCD kamerou.