Sbig CFW-402 RGBC, vnitřní karuselové kolo se 4 filtry RGBC pro CCD kameru série ST - 402ME. Obsahuje velmi kvalitní interferenční filtry pro tuto kameru. Filtry jsou napevno nainstalovány a nemohou být měněny.
An internal filter wheel with custom RGB+C color filters is available as an option for RGB or LRGB color imaging with the ST-402ME. This filter wheel uses the same custom designed high quality dichroic filters that we developed for the ST-7/8/9/10 "E" and "ME" cameras. The filters are designed specifically to yield a proper balance of both OIII and H-alpha emission line intensity from planetary nebula while at the same time giving an accurate while balance from continuum light from solar type stars in the same field. The Mars image above showing a violet haze over the north pole (south is up) and a diffuse yellow dust storm in the southern hemisphere was taken by Ed Grafton of Houston, Texas using an C14 telescope and ST-402ME camera.
Poznámka: cena platí při dovozu s CCD kamerou.