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Sky-Watcher GNEQ-6 R PRO SynScan

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Sky-Watcher NEQ-6 PRO SynScan

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SBIG Camera STF-402M

Astronomie/Výrobci » SBIG » CCD kamery » STF série
Astronomie/Výrobky » CCD » CCD - Sbig

Cena s DPH:55420.00 CZK
Cena bez DPH:45801.65 CZK
Záruka:24 měs.
Dostupnost:1-2 týdny

Sbig STF-402M je kompaktní, ekonomická, s vysokou kvantou účinností kamera na vědecké úrovni plnoformátových CCD kamer. Je vynikající pro použití při vzdělávání a úvodní vědecké hvězdné studium. Volitené je vnitřní filtrové kolo s barevnými filtry RGBC nebo fotometrickými filtry BVIC. Mnozí s většími dalekohledy a kamerami  to považují za koncovou kameru pro použití pro autonavádění kvůli její vysoké citlivosti a vhodnému obrazovému poli.

Typical Specifications

Imaging CCD..........................................................................Truesense KAF-0402ME
Imaging/Pixel Array...............................................................................765 x 510 pixels
CCD Size.................................................................................................6.9 x 4.3 mm
Total Pixels......................................................................................................390,000
Pixel Size.................................................................................................9 x 9 microns
Full Well Capacity.......................................................................................~100,000 e-
Dark Current e/p/s at 0 C...........................................................1e-/pixel/sec at 0 deg. C
Antiblooming..............................................................................................NABG Only
Peak QE................................................................................~85% Peak, ~75% at H-a
Exposure.............................................................0.09 to 3600 seconds, 10ms resolution
Correlated Double Sampling....................................................................................Yes
A/D Converter....................................................................................................16 bits
A/D Gain..............................................................1.5e- unbinned, 2.0e- binned 2x2, 3x3
Read Noise.......................................................................................18e- RMS Typical
Binning Modes...................................................................................1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3
Pixel Digitization Rate.............................Up to 4.25 megapixels per second with USB 2.0
Full Frame Download................................................................................<0.25 second
Focus Mode.............................................................................................<0.25 second
Cooling Delta..........................................................Single Stage TE, -30C from Ambient
Temperature Regulation...........................................................................+/- 0.1 deg. C
Power..........................................................................12VDC, Power Supply Included
Computer Interface..........................................................................................USB 2.0
Computer Compatibility.................................................Windows 32 and 64 bit OS, Mac
Dimensions...................................................................5 x 4 x 2.5 inches (including fan)
Weight........................................................................................Approx. 20 oz. (0.6kg)
Backfocus...................................................................0.69 inches (c-mount compatible)
Filter Wheel Option.......................................................Internal RGBC or Internal BVIC
Self-Guiding Filter Wheel.........................................................................................n/a
Filter Size..........................................................................................................custom
Adaptive Optics Option.............................................................................................n/a
Remote Guide Head.................................................................................................n/a
Lens Adapter...................................................C-mount, Nikon or Canon FD 35mm lens
OAG Option............................................................................................................n/a


STF-402M, High QE Camera

Simple and Powerful: These were the design goals for the STF-402M. We wanted something simple and easy to use yet powerful enough to carry the "ST" model prefix. The small size and light-weight of these cameras make them very easy to handle and set up. The STF-402M also has two optional internal filter wheels, one with high quality RGB color imaging filters, and one with equally high quality BVI photometric filters. All models have a photometric quality, even-illumination shutter for automatic dark frames. The low noise and extraordinary QE of these sensors make these cameras some of the most sensitive CCD cameras available at any price. With a peak QE of nearly 85%, these cameras bow to no others when it comes to recording faint detail in dim objects. Simply put, there is nothing in their price range that can touch them for sensitivity, except of course the self-guiding STT cameras using the same imaging sensors.

Enhanced Cooling Standard

An enhanced cooling package is now standard equipment. The improvements consist of (a) a larger heat sink installed in the camera, (b) a larger 50mm magnetic levitating fan and fan guard, (c) a new back plate with openings to accommodate the extension of the fan housing and guard, and (d) a board inside the camera that routes additional power to the TE cooler. No additional external power is required. The addition of the new parts increases the depth of the camera body by 4mm and the fan plus fan guard (not seen in RH photo) adds another 10mm. The backfocus is not changed.

The graph at left below above shows the improvement in cooling performance as a function of delta from ambient temperature as a result of the new design. In our first production prototype camera with the enhanced cooling package, the maximum delta achieved was -35 degrees C below ambient at 100% power. After allowing the camera to stabilize, it was able to regulate the temperature at a delta of -31 degrees C from ambient with less than 95% power in a warm room (approx. 24C). We feel comfortable specifying typical performance of approximately 30 degrees C below ambient, regulated to +/- 0.1 degree C (user's set point). The graph at right below shows the typical dark current as a function of the absolute temperature of the CCD.

Image or Autoguide

Electronic relays provide typical autoguider output from the RJ-11 jack, so the cameras can be used as a highly sensitive autoguider with a larger field of view than most other autoguiders. The computer interface is USB 2.0 (USB 1.1 compatible). The high-speed readout rate is approximately 5 megapixels per second. With some overhead, a full frame, high-resolution image from the STF-402M will download in less than 1/4 second using USB2. A regulated power supply is built into the camera so you can operate directly from a 12V battery or other unregulated 12VDC source. A universal power supply is included for operation from 100 to 240VAC. The STF-402M is so sensitive one is vitrually guaranteed to find a guide star in the field of view no matter where it is pointed using a modest finder scope. This makes the STF-402M not only an excellent educational camera but a sought after camera used to guide larger scopes. The STF-402M can autoguide or image, and using using SBIG's patented Track & Accumulate feature, a sequence of images can be captured and automatically aligned and stacked (co-added) as you go. The STF-402M's internal relays allow the camera to autoguide almost any commercial telescope with an autoguider port. It will also control an external Relay Adapter Box for unusual telescope drives or older ones that need to be isolated electrically from the autoguider.