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Stabilní montáž GNEQ-6R

Na pozorování a astrofoto doporučujeme: stabilní montáž
Sky-Watcher GNEQ-6 R PRO SynScan

Stabilní montáž GNEQ-6 GoTo

Na pozorování a astrofoto doporučujeme: stabilní montáž
Nové provedení 
Sky-Watcher NEQ-6 PRO SynScan

Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)

Výroba zrcadel pro Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT)
největšího dalekohledu na světě 24 m
Projekt GMT

Paralaktika pro Dobson

Tip na platformu montáže pro Dobson
My Project equatorial platform for dobson telescope

Nejnovější produkty

MEADE LX600-ACF 16" F/8 (bez stativu)

Astronomie/Výrobci » Meade » LX 600
Astronomie/Výrobky » Dalekohledy » s GoTo
Astronomie/Výrobky » Dalekohledy » Katadioptr » s montáží

Cena s DPH:646000.00 CZK
Cena bez DPH:533884.30 CZK
Záruka:24 měs.
Dostupnost:Na dotaz e-mailem

MEADE LX600-ACF 16" F/8 (bez stativu)

- 16" f/8 Advanced Coma Free Optics - 3251mm focal length
- Ultra-High Transmission Coatings (UHTC)
- Crayford Focuser
- StarLock automatic guider
- AutoStar II GOTO system

Serie: LX600 Telescopes
Experience Level:Intermediate, Advanced
Clear Aperture:16"
Optical Design: Advanced Coma-Free (ACF)
Optical Coatings: UHTC™
Focal Length:3251mm
Focal Ratio:f/8
Resolving Power (Dawes' Limit):285 arc seconds
OTA Cooling Fan: Yes
Oversized Primary Mirror: Yes
Mirror Lock: Yes
Viewfinder: 8x50mm with cross-hair reticle
Eyepiece(s)26mm Series 4000™ Super Plössl
Focuser MechanismInternal Crayford-style, zero image-shift, dual speed 7:1 focuser
DiagonalSeries 5000™ 2" Dielectric Diagonal
Hand Controller: AutoStar® II
Object Database:145,000 objects
Pointing Precision (High-Precision Mode): 1 arc-minute (+/-)
Periodic Error Correction: Both Axes
Permanent Periodic Error Correction (PPEC):Yes
Typical Guiding Performance with StarLock< 1 arc-second
Slow Motion ControlsMechanical & Electronic
Slew SpeedsRA and Dec: 0.01x to1.0x sidereal, variable in 0.01x increments; 2x, 8x, 16x, 64x, 128x sidereal; 1°/sec. to 2°/sec., variable in 0.1° increments.
Tracking RatesSidereal, Lunar, or custom-selected from 2000 incremental rates
Control Panel12v DC in, 12v DC out, Power, Focuser, Reticle, Handbox port, 1 computer connection port (RS232), 1 StarLock port, 1 Aux guide port
Power Source: 12v DC, 5 amp Power Supply
GPS Receiver: Yes
Time Chip: Yes
Electronic Focuser: Included
Smart Mount™: Yes
Smart Drive™: Yes
Wedge: Optional