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Astronomie/Výrobci » Explore Scientific » Příslušenství ES » Komakorektor
Astronomie/Výrobky » Příslušenství » Komakorektory

Cena s DPH:8530.00 CZK
Cena bez DPH:7049.59 CZK
Záruka:24 měs.
Dostupnost:3-5 dní

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC HR Coma Corrector - vizuální a fotografický komakorektor

Manulál v angličtině uveden zde

Při použití pro fotografické účely není žádný problém - HR Coma Corrector posouvá zaostření o 35 mm směrem ven. Takže nevzniká žádný problém při zaostřování, když lze zaostřit fotoaparátem, kamerou bez HR Coma Correctoru. Délka 2" válcové plochy  je cca. 85 mm a může být použit s téměř všemi 2" okulárovými výtahy na trhnu.

Při použití HR Coma Correctoru vizuálně, musí mít okulárový výtah alespoň 32 mm volného pohybu směrem dovnitř, zatímco zaostření je ve stejné rovině jako konec okulárového výtahu.

After three years of testing and refining we are extremely proud to present the new Explore Scientific High Resolution (HR) Coma Corrector. This corrector is a class of it´s own - it is fully functional for visual use and expands the focal length by only 6%! The Explore Scientific Coma Correktor is delivered as a complete set together with a rotating helical focuser with laser-etched scale, so you get a full package: corrector, adaptor to T2 (M42x0.75mm), adaptor to M48 (M48x0.75) and the helical focuser for visual fun. This coma corrector really is "high resolution" - it deliveres a visual polystrehl performance of 0,98 at f/4 and 0,96 at f/3! So it can stay in the telescope - and you will not only enjoy a tack-sharp Jupiter, but aslo sharp and defined moons in the future! What this means in terms of performance is shown in the three pictures with the graphs - the sharpness increase in those comparisons with and without corrector are stunning (examples are 400mm f/4, f/3,5 and f/3). Please notice: These graphs are for FLAT FIELD! You will get this performance without refocussing! Diameter of the field is 30mm - it doesn´t make sense to increase this with 2" and fast optical systems. Length of the 2" corrector barrel is approx. 85mm and it can be used with almost all 2" focusers on the market. To use the HR Coma Corrector visually, you need to have at least 32mm spare inward travel at your focuser, while the focus is on the same plane as the focusers end. Photographically there is no problem - the HR Coma Corrector shifts the focus outward by about 35mm, so that you will have no problem in achieving focus, when you are able to focus your camera without the HR Coma Corrector.

Eliminates coma, field-curvature and astigmatism in newtonians
Diffraction limited performance on axis and in the field
Flattens the field
Works for very fast systems down to f/3 Four-lens construction
Can be used with almost all 2" focusers on the market

High Resolution (HR) Coma Corrector
Adaptor to T2 (M42x0.75mm)
Adaptor to M48 (M48x0.75)
Helical focuser